15 February 2024
cykl Żywicowanie

W pamięci


chapter III

the cycle Tapping

the cycle Tapping

6 pieces 265 x 50 cm

wiscose, polypropylene, sisal, linen, optical fiber



The work consists of 6 elements traditionally woven on a wooden frame. The broken worping system refers to the patterns cut out in tree trunks in order to obtain resin. This fluid being the fruit of the synthesis of the energy of the earth and the sky is in my work symbolized by streaks of light. Thanks to the use of PMMA optical fiber and LED generators, light becomes an integral component of weaving matter. The individual elements are strongly elongated forms suspended vertically so that their bottom edge touches the floor, they can be exposed in a darkened space evoking associations with a forest. The gentle light raises the positive mood of the viewer and thus affects his well-being.
